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  • Writer's pictureWilhelm hamman

For the Love of meat !!!

How do you as a small producer provide a quality product to consumers? Can it be done? Will consumers understand a quality product from a"normal" product? Will my friend appreciate the taste and the cost?

When we started our little business it was to direct our passion for cattle to something we can be proud off. Something that is ours and not controlled by corporate nameless and faceless bosses. The idea was to start a Black Angus business in one of the most beautiful valleys in Australia. Manning Valley. We have been busy for over two years of hard work and a lot of mistakes. We wanted to only be a primary producer but have decided to try and venture into a " Paddock to Plate" business. We are now taking our first orders.

So our passion is for those beautiful beasts called Cattle. They are fantastic animals to be close to and farm. We love our animals. Our first batch of Steers we called after Zulu kings. The oldest is Shaka. Shaka has given us a few issues over the years, but now he is stunning.

Back to my question. How do we supply a quality product and will it work? The answer is quite simple. The product will sell itself.

We sell Premium Black Angus Grass fed beef from Manning Valley. Lets just unpack this. You will know where this beef comes from. Not from some dusty outback station where poor Brahman has been herded into trucks in 40 degree heat and mass killed for mince !!!!! Our animals will be well loved and cared for. Humane treatment is in our DNA. Also these animals live and eat in one of the most beautiful places in AUS. The beef is formed and marbled by the beauty of this valley and its flavours.

How do we sell the beef? Because we are not a Retail butcher, we cannot keep Premium cuts on hand and wait to sell them. We need to take orders and butcher to demand we receive. We also need to mix Premium cuts with Minced products which includes our Boerewors ( South-African Sausage). We will make two types of Boerewors. The traditional Kalahari Boerewors and Sosatie Boerewors. This is truly great tasting boerewors.

We may in our next order cycle decide to make available Half Steer or Quarter Steer options. I think this may work. Its like the old days when you buy a carcass from a farmer and he cuts it for you to your specifications. We can do that, obviously a bit more controlled to AUS standards.

So to answer all the questions. We will trust in your product and that your customers really appreciate something special, that they can truly experience in taste. Also we will listen and respond to feedback the best we can.

I dedicate this Blog to "Gayle Hughes" our first ever customer !!!!!! Love you Gayle !!!!

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